Online Training

Remote Home Programs & Online Training Courses

Positive and effective dog training, online and anytime!

Does your dog have unwanted behaviours?  Would you like to start training with your dog but find it hard to fit it into your day?  Muckyhound Dog training can now help you remotely!

Dogs don’t come knowing the key skills needed to be a good boy or girl and just like young children they need teachers to show them the way.  Of course, this will require a little effort from you too.

Remote One to One@Home Programs

Does your dog have unwanted behaviours?  Would you like to start training with your dog but find it hard to fit it into your day?  Muckyhound Dog training can now help you remotely!  Remote programs are designed to address each client’s specific training needs and are delivered using bespoke video tutorials which can be accessed online and anytime.  Throughout the program you will be coached by a leading dog trainer using scientific, reward-based training methods.

What you can expect:

  • Firstly there will be a remote functional assessment via ©Zoom. The aim of this assessment is to get a clear understanding of your current situation.  The assessment can take up to an hour.
  • Based on the information gathered during the functional assessment a tailored One to One@Home program will be developed to meet your specific needs.  The program will address unwanted behaviour and how to establish new wanted behaviours.
  • When your One to One@Home program is ready you will receive a unique link.  This is how you will access your tutorials and video instruction.
  • The program will span five weeks.  Each week is then further broken down into 5 days of detailed video tutorials.  These videos will guide you through various training exercises.
  • Once a week, for the duration of the program you and your trainer will have a coaching & support check in via ©Zoom.  This will provide an opportunity to address any training problems and further strengthen your new skills.
  • You will have continued access to all video tutorials after the completion of the program.

Online Training Courses

Dogs don’t come knowing the key skills needed to be a good boy or girl and just like young children, they need teachers to show them the way.  If you’re short on time why not try our online training option?  The courses are easy to follow and lesson tutorials only take 5 minutes per day.  You and your dog will be guided step by step and learn together and if you want, the whole family can join in too. 

Good Behaviour Foundation

In Good Behaviour Foundation your dog can learn all the skills necessary to thrive with their human families, like sit-stay, settle, recall and leave-it.

Puppy Life Skills 

Puppy Life Skills programme is specifically designed to address the key areas of good puppy manners.  In addition to general puppy life skills like sit and stay, we’ll show you how to teach your puppy focus and impulse control.

Of course, this will require a little effort from you too.  Showing your dog the way is the key to graduating.  How often you train with your dog is up to you but we recommend keeping sessions short.  5- 10 minutes are plenty. 

IDCourse NameGet More InformationEnroll
001Good Behaviour Foundation
002Puppy Life Skills
003Whiplash RecallComing SoonComing Soon
004Loose Lead WalkingComing SoonComing Soon